Accounts Receivable Process Quiz

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Question 1/6

Which best describes you?
Woman at computer smiling with graphic of ellipsis in quote bubble and green ring

Question 2/6

What percentage of your company's invoices are digital?
Globe with invoicing icon over background with green gradient

Question 3/6

What percentage of your company's payments are processed automatically?
Percentage icon with payments icon and rapid payments icon over background with green gradient

Question 4/6

Which best describes your cash application operation?
Cash Application icon with arrow over background with green gradient

Question 5/6

Which best describes your collections operation?
Collections icon with green ring over background with green gradient

Question 6/6

How do you measure your organization's productivity?
AI hand with gears icon over background with green gradient

You chose CFO or VP

You chose AR Manager

You chose Collections or Credit Manager

You chose Other Finance Professional

Why it matters

Technological modernity affects the entire financial organization, albeit in different ways. In more advanced accounts receivable organizations, individual contributors have less manual work and can focus on providing better customer service, managers have better insights into their teams’ work, and finance professionals can more effectively implement their policies throughout their organizations. Everyone in the organization has the opportunity to move finance forward.

Resources for you

White Paper

The State of Accounts Receivable: The Journey to Modernize

See the white paper
State of accounts receivable journey to modernize white paper mockup
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You chose Less than 25%

You chose 25%-50%

You chose 50%-75%

You chose 75%-100%

Why it matters

Digital invoices lead to lower DSO (days sales outstanding) and reduced labor costs. But digital channels come with their own challenges. Setting up a convenient billing portal and promoting it to your customers requires work and expertise. And, for your customers that use accounts payable (AP) portals, automating invoice delivery either requires a big IT lift, or a third-party solution with broad integrations.

Resources for you

Tip Sheet

Climbing the payments optimization ladder

Read the tip sheet
Climbing payments optimization ladder tip sheet mockup
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You chose Less than 25%

You chose 25%-50%

You chose 50%-75%

You chose 75%-100%

Why it matters

Digital invoices are a goal in and of themselves, because they’re faster and easier to keep track of. Digital payments are usually faster than checks. But they still require processing and credit card payments come with fees. It’s important to automate payment processing to speed up cash flow and reduce labor costs, and digital payments are easier to automate.

Resources for you

Solution Guide

Facilitate payments on your terms, while offering customers flexibility to pay through the channels they prefer.

Get the solution guide
Billtrust payments solution guide mockup
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You chose Manual lockbox

You chose Lockbox with data keying

You chose Rule-based automated cash application

You chose Touchless cash application with payments network

Why it matters

Cash application is the part of O2C (order to cash) that has the most potential for automation. Once you’ve got payments and remittance data, how fast you match tends to depend on your tech stack. Manual matching is slow, automated matching is fast. And the use of AI can even help exception handling.

Resources for you

Solution Guide

Achieve industry-leading match rates powered by unparalleled machine learning

Get the solution guide
Achieve industry-leading match rates solution guide mockup
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You chose Only have time to cover key & critical accounts

You chose Reactive account coverage

You chose Proactive account coverage

Why it matters

Collections is rightly compared to the sales function. It requires customer knowledge and relationship skills. Collectors benefit from tools that track customer contacts, suggest actions and allow teammates to tag-in. Better tools for collectors leads to lower DSO (days sales outstanding).

Resources for you

Solution Guide

Uncomplicating the collections workflow

See the solution guide
Uncomplicating the collections workflow solution guide mockup
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You chose We don't actively measure productivity

You chose We use industry benchmarks with low confidence

You chose We use a mix of company and industry benchmarks with high confidence

Why it matters

Strong finance teams focus on being productive – even when their technology isn’t completely modernized. Lean into productivity by building a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that your team is educated about and hands-on with tools and tech, and always keeping an eye on optimizing performance.

Resources for you

White Paper

The Productivity Imperative: Why apex performance matters most in 2024

Read the white paper
Preview of Productivity Imperative White Paper Cover with runner
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